About Me
Hi! I’m Lisa
THM Certified Coach
The name Wholehearted Health means so much to me!
Welcome to Wholehearted Health!
My site is currently under construction while I’m waiting to see what God has for me next.
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Just starting out? Take “before” pictures, measurements, & record your weight.
It’s easy to get discouraged along the way and very helpful to look back to where you started. When I first started my metabolism was completely messed up and the weight was not coming off. My body needed some time to heal and although I wasn’t quickly losing weight, my clothes were fitting better and I was losing a lot of inches! It felt great being able to zip up my jeans with no issues!
Be committed to your health! In taking care of yourself, you will be able to care for others. This is the second greatest commandment in Matthew 22.
As a THM coach, I want to love on you as you make better choices to live healthy and find food freedom in releasing the strongholds of sugar addiction. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions! I am so excited to meet you and do this thing called life … together!

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